Hey! Soo...that whole "Winter Break Vis Dev" thing didn't TOTALLY work out, but none the less, I got a lot out of it! My plan was to do backgrounds, but....well...aye. Not my strong suit! But I love doing them! I discovered a lot about painting and came up with a new direction for my films look.
This was my first try. Very much based on a photo I used for reference, so no go, but I started to get a feel for the sort of backgrounds I'd be doing.
This was my second attempt. I really liked this, but when I tried to work in the characters, something was off. I like it on it's own, but I really want to be able to run actions on my characters and have them mesh without he backgrounds seamlessly.
So i started playing around with a watercolor process. I really liked how they came out in the end. :)
Let me know what you think!